Our vision is inspired by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey. He once said, "We shall elevate our country to the level of the most prosperous and civilized nations of the world. We shall enrich our people materially and spiritually to the greatest extent possible." This vision drives our Republic and unites all its people and institutions.
For us in Fethiye, situated in a stunning part of this beautiful nation, this means bringing our city to the prominence it deserves. Achieving this vision requires a management approach rooted in reason, science, and modern technology.
With a team of dedicated political leaders and workers who are deeply committed to our city, and with the active involvement of all our citizens, we strive not only to provide essential municipal services but also to boost economic sectors specific to Fethiye, such as agriculture and tourism. Our goal is to become a model municipality in social services, education, sports, culture, and the arts on a global level.